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Friday, December 23, 2005

The Haunted Tower - Chapter 3

I'm finally back, with another "The Haunted Tower" chapter. Eyodar is finally in Ashlaam, where he will try to rescue his daughter, Jeyah, from death (if he is actually in time). However, many dangers will face him before he can finally enter the tower where Worroc, a mysterious ghost considered a god by the souldemons, lives. But an unnespected visit of the souldemons will probably difficult even more his path...

Chapter 3:
The Souldemons

First, Eyodar didn't understand what were the souldemons. But then, he remembered the chat of the last day, and thought in running out of there. But it was too late. If someone saw him running, everybody would think something was going wrong with him, and then everything could be much worse.
After a while, everybody freed the street, and a new group of people appeared. All of them had dark red shirts, dark blue trousers and a long black cape. They were all walking in a very characteristic way, in a strange march, dancing with their dark and curve swords and singing a gothic song about death. But the most strange fact about them was the mask all of them were using. Eyodar couldn't see a face in that group of people: they all had a dark gothic mask that made them look like they were extremelly furious. Eyodar realised that group was the soldemons.
After some moments walking, the souldemons stopped and waited for the crowd to surround them. Then, one of them, probably the leader of the group, prepared to talk.
When he did so, he surprised Eyodar by using a normal voice. Perhaps, thought Eyodar, his mask was so scary that he was expecting to hear a demon's voice.
'People of Ashlaam, our lord, Worroc, has finally our offer: 20 children of Thronkster are at the moment fainted in the big tower where our lord lives. After a week, as it usualy is, He is finally going to kill them!
'Now, Lord Worroc may be able to get fresh blood without attacking our city. That's because He has pity of his people!'
'Yes, just try to remember what happened to us 30 years ago...' wispered a man near Eyodar. The leader of the souldemons didn't her him and continued to talk:
'However, there is no mercy to the population of the other citys. As you shoud know, Lord Worroc was, a long time ago, a living person like us. He travelled throught the world and met various places. Unfortunately, the people of the various cities He visited didn't want to welcome Him. He was a traveller with no home.
'But then, he visited Ashlaam. Our city had let him live with us a peaceful live. He had finally a home.'
'Why do we always have to listen to that?' asked, wispering, another man near Eyodar, to no one in particular. The leader of the souldemons was still talking:
'He was bewitched by other citys, and when He died His soul didn't find the peace to rest. As everybody in Ashlaam knows, His soul is now living in the big tower near our city. He needs blood to mantain it alive, beacuse if His soul dies, it will be worse that death to our lord' sayd the leader of the Souldemons, that was constantly facing the crowd, face by face.
'Now, we kill the population of the cities that bewitched Lord Worroc and bring children to kill them and offer their blood to Him. The rest of the attacked population must die. However, our task with Thronkster isn't finished yet. There's actually a survivor of the massacre between us' and then, looked to Eyodar.



Blogger MF said...

I must say your story is kind of original. I like the main character and I think your writing is pretty good. I've just arrived from holidays in Alentejo without a single computer! I don't know how did I survive...
Oh well, just keep writing. I think your story has potencial.

Friday, 23 December, 2005


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