Fifteen Journey - Chapter 7
Rick was drawn to the middle of the huge stage. The first thing that he noticed was the huge crowd that was staring at him, waiting for his first move. He felt really embarrassed and uncomfortable. He was saved by the reporters to another bigger danger.
“And here we have Rick Flaim!”
The crowd shouted with enthusiasm.
“So, Rick, what do you expect for this tournament?”
“Well, I… I don’t think it will be easy…”
“But you’re thinking of winning it, don’t you?”
“No, I mean…”
“Seven is confident about his capacities!”
The crowd was believing in what the reporter was saying.
“So, what made you enter in this championship?”
“My friends that…”
“Heard this, people? He is here for is friends!!!”
“No, what I meant is that…”
“Nice to meet you… umm…” the reported checked his notes. “Mr. Flaim.”
Rick was stupefied. Was this the true nature of journalism?
He was then drawn to compliment the other candidates. From 6 to 1. Number 6 was indeed the sportive one that kept her I’m-better-than-you attitude. Still that way, Rick managed to get her hand and shake it.
Number 5 wasn’t new either. Rick passed through her as quickly as he could. She did not bother too much in greeting him.
Number 4 was a girl too. When will they finish? But this one had a particularity. She was a 8 year old girl! In comparison with the 17 years old Rick had, she was a miniature. Tourch accepted people from 8 to 25. Those were the rules.
“Hi, what’s your name little one?”
“I’m not little!!!” she cried as he passed through her.
“Ashley Ruffel. That’s her name.”
Rick looked at the speaking kid. He wasn’t really a kid: he was about 15 years old.
“Hi, I’m Michael.” The 15 year old said.
“Rick. Pleased to meet you.”
Michael just smiled. He then looked again at the interview to Sheila.
“Elain Dicen. Move kid.” Two said.
Rick got irritated. Only because she seemed a little older, that did not meant he could be treated as a child.
“Candidate 9: Matt Drutond.”
Rick looked at the unknown player before complimenting Number 1.
Matt looked evil. He had a really relaxed attitude, smiling at the crowd that vibrated with emotion. Matt was taking Rick’s popularity! Soon Rick started hating him.
“Back off.” Elain replied.
Rick noticed he should greet Number 1 and get out of there. But that wouldn’t be easy. One was surrounded by bodyguards that did not seem very nice.
“Leave Mr. Moan quiet, kid.” One of the bodyguards replied.
One did not seem to have noticed Rick. He felt offended. With all his strength he approached One trying to avoid the strong bodyguards.
“Good luck.”
One seemed surprised. Rick wasn’t that offended now: he had kept One’s attention. But he revealed himself as an antipathetic candidate.
“I don’t need luck”
Rick quitted. He walked to his place next to Kathelin: the sportive one. And soon Sheila got near him as well. But this time Sheila wasn’t as communicative as before.
“Candidate 10: Vince Plamait.”
Rick examined the new player. He contrasted a lot with Ashley. He had about 22 years old. He had an adult expression and seemed really confident. His interview was boring and none of the girls wanted to speak either. Number 9 passed to greet him.
“Hi, you are…”
“Rick Flaim” Rick growled.
Matt didn’t say one more word. He continued his path to try to get a smile from Kathelin’s face. Impossible task, I must say…
“Candidate 11: Sloan Kriff.”
The new candidate was small, kind of ugly but had a confident pose. He seemed shy in front of that huge crowd but tried to seem not too worried.
Rick’s observation was interrupted by Number 10.
“Vince Plamait. You?”
“Flaim, Rick Flaim.”
In that presentation, Rick though Vince was kind of bored of being in the games. He did not know why.
“Candidate 12: Cassey Lane.”
Rick gasped. The crowd shouted and whistled.
Rick wanted to run away from there but his feet wouldn’t move. He wanted to die in that instant. Then, someone appeared.
“Hey, just give me your hand.”
Rick shouted. He had been caught in a fearless state…
“Sorry, a bee” he apologize himself. “You were saying?...”
Sloan turned away from Rick with a He-is-stupid look.
Rick was sweated till the bones. He did not paid attention to Cassey’s interview but heard the crowd’s shouts. He closed his eyes and heard her steps approaching.
“Candidate 13: Fred Wink.”
Even closer…
“Candidate 14: Dick Acrouse.”
“Hi, I’m Cassey. Please to meet you.”
Rick did not want to open his eyes. The 16 year old female was in front of him.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, pleased to meet you too. I’m Rick Flaim.”
She stared at him.
“Do I know you?”
“Now you know…”
She srughed her shoulders and kept moving. Rick was relieved. Then he heard a crash. It was 13.
“Hey, you’re alright?” Rick asked.
“Yeah, think so…”
“Rick Flaim” Rick introduced himself as helping 13 getting up.
“Fred Wink.”
Fred had his 19 years. He looked really embaraced.
“Candidate 15: Sarith Nince.”
This was the last one. The games were almost beginning…
“Dick Acrouse” said the distant teenager.
After introducing himself, Rick observed Dick. He seemed sad of being here. He had around 16 years old and a dead attitude.
“What are you looking at?” the 15th candidate said as giggling.
“Nothing. I’m Rick.”
“I’m Sarith. Pleased to meet you.”
“Believe me, the pleasure is all mine.”
The girl giggled again as passing through him. Rick got back his confidence taken by Matt.
“Now, people, let’s get this ceremony over! With chosing the arts!!!”
Next Chapter:
The ceremony is over! But what to do now?
Author’s Note:
This chapter is really big. But I think it is getting interesting. Please comment!
Labels: Fifteen Journey
That's all I have to say! :)
Keep up the brilliant work.
It seems that the crocs and sharks will hav eto wait..eheheh.
Saturday, 03 December, 2005
Stupid reporter xD , liked the way you manipulated the feelings of every candidate, and Rick`s personality is always visible.
As I said you before, try to make funny situations fluid and avoid concentrate them in a single part of the text.
Keep up the good work! =)
Saturday, 03 December, 2005
Finally the new characters!
I want to know what is happening next.
The lions will have to wait a bit more!
Saturday, 03 December, 2005
I think you made it a bit larger than what I was expecting...
Perhaps you should have cleaned the least important parts and the presentations of those characters that won't be very important to the story, because this takes a lot of time to read and it's too much information at once.
Tuesday, 06 December, 2005
it's realy a big big big chapter, but it had to be so we could meet the new caracters. I thik this is getting beter and beter, and i love the names of the caracters and the way that you described them, but the nº 14... Dick... that is a realy stupid name.. it made me laught. you could also talk about the beauty of male caracters cause it is also important. but this is just a sugestion of course... i can't make you do what a say (hehehe, the heal i can't...).
ok.. this comment is getting realy big... i should stop writing or this will be ever bigger than your chapter.. :S Bye****
Saturday, 10 December, 2005
my comments are in a low level... sorry. i promisse i'l try to do better,but my imagination is not as good as pipinha's...
Saturday, 10 December, 2005
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