Underground- Chapter 3
This chapter is dedicated to new and old friends of mine:Stick around, never leave , and if I act in a selfish and stupid way, you can slap me in face!(Just don't push it, people make mistakes!) :)
In this particular Chapter Elise makes her first friend, Brian.Nothing much happens, but I think it turned out pretty good.
Anyway, the real action will be back in Chapter 4.Stay tunned!
- Chapter 3 - Welcome to my heart, friend
Elise was stunned by the cruelty of the Dark Lord, yet intrigued.
“You mean, I could get whatever I wanted if I joined your side?”
“My side?” Merthus laughed “Little girl, this is not as simple as The Star Wars!”
Elise felt insulted and confused, while the creature continued to laugh even harder.
Then, he stopped and his face turned obscure and showed fright. It seamed something was there, something far more greater than him-self.”Yes, My Lord…” Merthus whispered with a bow “the matter has just been taken care of”.
Elise quickly turned willing to face whoever Merthus was talking to. But there was no nothing there, but a glowing red light… it had such strong and powerful force.
Elise felt numb and weak, before that “thing”…it was sucking her soul and draining all her life away. She could swear she was dying, when she hit the cold, hard floor and heard a painful scream… of a woman.
Elise opened her eyes, feeling tired and puzzled. Was it all a dream? It looked so real.
She got up, sitting on the thin grass, and looked at her surroundings. She was at the school’s front yard, and there was a boy staring at her from the football field. He had a warm smile on his face. Was that the soccer team captain, Brian? Yes, and he was coming towards her.
Elise got nervous, and started whipping the grass all over her body and taking the small leaves of her head.
“Hi! Need a hand?” he asked kindly, while approaching.
Elise blushed and nodded. Her heart pumped faster than ever, yet the Merthus wasn’t there.“How strange” she thought to herself while getting up.
“Wait! Let me help” he said, placing his hands in hers “You look kind of confused…what were you doing here at this time anyway?”
Elise placed her hand on her forehead.
“Oh!” he exclaimed, looking at a bump in her head “Did you just hit something?”
“The fall” she thought “ It was real after all…but she couldn’t tell him what really happened…he’d think she was insane. No one else could see the two creatures…” “ I think I accidentally hit this…humm.. Tree! I didn’t really notice it!” she explained.
“You can’t be serious!!” he said, laughing “What kind of a person doesn’t see a tree this big?”
Elise looked up at the Wholly Tree. He was right; her excuse was even more ridiculous than the actual truth. That tree was as big as a lorry!
“Well, I suppose I am” she agreed, sadly “I got to go now, before my parents call 911 and ground me for life!”
“You can’t go home YET! Come on, lets go to the school’s nursery!” he yelled, laughing again.
Maybe the school wasn’t that bad after all. Elise had met someone nice and comforting, who didn’t think she was crazy or dull…in fact, she had just met her first friend.
Labels: Underground
Very good chapter. I hope Elise choose "the dark side" but I have to wait for the next chapters!!!
Thursday, 01 December, 2005
Wow, what's happening next?
Why is this story so brilliant???
Oh, well, update what you know and use all of your imagination. Don't forget to write! Lol
Thursday, 01 December, 2005
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