Fifteen Journey Awards!
Welcome fellow readers. As the host of these awards, I must congratulate all the writers (including myself :P) for all the hard work.
And now, the awards!
As you may know, Fifteen Journey was born after many nights typing stories in MSN (Saritah's job). In November, in a sad and rainy day... (j/k, I don't recall a single thing about that day), the idea was born. And finally, Fred created the site.
The three initial writers, me, Fredy and Saritah, were very excited about the new thing they had to explore. Our first 50 posts were, probably, done in 1 or 2 months. We now have about 150 posts. Imagine how it would be like if we had written always like the beggining of times... :P
Once month later, RicardoRPL joined us. He is the HTML code expert and all the changes you've seen during the blog's life in the layout were made by him. Of course, he didn't make all the work. Sarith wrote amazing stories (I think she is a brilliant writer, but she lacks imagination) and Fredy was the Special Event's poster (Christmas, birthdays...).
Looking back, I know we could have done some things better, we could have avoided some mistakes concerning ourselves and our dedication to the blog. Well, I won't give up. I have the dream to publish anything in my life, even if it is just a short article: at least I was able to show my opinion and point of view. But I am a dreamer and, as any dreamer, I want to go further and reach my deep dreams, which do not concern showing personal opinion but to show my talents and capacities.
This is a promise: I won't give up. I'm sure every writer agrees when he/she says the blog has been more than a tool to practise English: it has been a tool to write better and share stories. Believe it or not, I met better my friends by the blog: it has also been a tool to understand them.
And I think I've written too much. Well, let's go to the awards. :P
Best Story:
1st place - Fifteen Journey
2nd place - The Haunted Tower & Blooming Spring Flower
Best Writer:
1st place - Fipa
2nd place - RicardoRPL
Best Character:
1st place - Rick
2nd place - Frederious & Kane
Best Commentator: (I hope this works as a estimulator :P)
1st place - Marco Horácio
Congratulations everyone! And keep working hard. :)
I know I haven't been a present writer but I never forgot you and I always have fun reading the stories.
Congratulations for the winners and I hope that next year we are celebrating the 2nd anniversary.
P.S.:and hoping for more people to comment besides us.
Wednesday, 06 December, 2006
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