© 2005 Fifteen Journey. All rights reserved.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Fifteen Journey - Chapter I

Hello again!
I know you are all asking: "What is this?" and I'm gonna answer: these are special paragraphs containing the summary of the story so far, but, better than that, these chapters are perfect to get to know your favourite chapters. I'll do them in important parts of the story, to summarize, and to introduce other characters too.
These chapters also have a different format and number since they're not real chapters. It's just like if I took someone from their natural habitat and put them there. They also have long names.(I like long names! :D)

Chapter I – Hurray to the confident hero! A full summary so far.

The shine lightened all the stage. The two faces glowed with happiness, making the guest feel comfortable.
“Hello, and welcome to the evening show, presented by me, Fipa!” the interlocutor directed to the camera “Tonight, we have here the hero of our favourite series, Rick Flaim!”
“Hello everyone!” the outgoing teenager greeted.
“It’s nice to have you here.”
“Oh, my pleasure!” he declared while changing his posture to a relaxed one.
“You’ve been to Levinita, where you started being a Tourch player. Then, you beat 4 players, not counting little Ashley, plus gaining some strange powers.”
“That is right.” He let himself slip in the little sofa.
“So, what’s like to be a Tourch player?”
“It’s quite amusing having all those fans pursuing me and all…” the addictive smile in his face raised, turning a serious one after changing topic. “Also, there’s the stress problem. The battles you feel you have to win, the pressure of the people surrounding you…” he affirmed between interlocutor’s nods “But, it’s quite a good experience to exercise, specially sword using. Plus, you get to do new friends! And adding more girlfriends…” the smile appeared again.
“I see you have a long list of girls. Oh, there is one question our fans wanted to ask you! Why did you enter in Tourch?”
Rick contracted himself with embarrassment. “Actually, my friends pushed me to come. What I mean,” he said rushed “was that I was completely drunk and was easily manipulated to put my name in that special box where the candidate’s names are put.” He said, denying his fault.
“So you didn’t quit enter by yourself…”
“Something like that.” He seemed to have relaxed a bit “But I wouldn’t change a bit as I would drink that coup of beer again!” the wink appeared once again.
“So, alcohol is one of your hobbies…”
“Not quite a hobby, more like a job…” the sound of laughing was heard in the filming area “I usually do bets concerning alcohol with my friends and I seem to always win…”
“Speaking of friends, who is your current best friend?
“Oh, that is a secret!” he said still smiling.
“Come on, give us a hint!” the interlocutor insisted “Is it Cassey?”
“Oh, no no, I have a different relationship with Cassey. But who knows in the future…” he said with a friendly grin.
“I get it! Then again, another question. Who is the person you admire the most?”
“Uhm, that’s a good one… But the answer isn’t that hard. It would be me!” he affirmed confident.
“I shouldn’t have asked this one…” Rick nodded in agreement. “What’s first: battle or love? This is from a girl’s magazine…”
“The source is easy to find out…” he showed his friendly grin again “But I guess it would be battles. After that, there is always time for romance and stuff like that. Don’t lose hope, girls! I’m still single!” he talked directly to the camera, pointing his finger to the listener. He quickly turned to his serious mode. “But battles are the fighter’s main worry, don’t you think?” the interlocutor agreed. “I also discovered that special golden power…”
“That’s a thing our fans did not understand already, where did you get it? The first time you used it was against Fred, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, it was. But to be honest, I don’t know where that came from, neither why.” His body contracted again, trying to force the mind to think. “I think there’s a connection between this new power and Nick, since they both appeared in the same day, but, at the same time, I don’t feel that connection. It is just a feeling, but…”
“Feelings are important too.”
“Yes, exactly. Feelings versus Logic, which will win?” he inquired trying to successfully recover the humour.
“Ok, nice to have you here. Our time has ended.” Rick accompanied the interlocutor’s standing up movement. “Thank you, once again!”
“No problem!!! Nice to know I am famous!”
After smiling, the interlocutor proceeded. “This was the interview with Rick Flaim, before the begging of Fifteen Journey’s second part. See you soon!”

To be continued…



Blogger MF said...

And answer the poll. It is really important! ;)

Saturday, 20 May, 2006

Blogger MF said...

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Saturday, 20 May, 2006

Blogger Sara_fc said...

"I LOVE YOU RICK! MARRY Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"a drunk girl begged before she was "gently" assisted by body-guardsto to exit the studio.

This was just an exemple of pure FJ and Rick Flaim mania taken to the EXTREME.

Girls, let's just face it: Rick is nothing but a drunk looser with a sexy posture, an irresistible wink , devious grin , well-built muscles , a killer face and tender lips...Oh what am I saying?HAVE I GOTTEN MAD? MARRY ME INSTEAD!!!

Nice interview! ;D

Saturday, 20 May, 2006

Blogger R said...

What was that? Really, when you sayd this chapter had nothing to do with the story, I thought it was a some kind of crossover, as you did with Dion, and not... this!
Anyway, Rick seemed to be a little different in this interview than in the rest of the story. That's weird!
And I got to read the 31st chapter :\

Tuesday, 23 May, 2006


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