Happy Birthday to you...
Hey folks! Guess what? It’s Fifteen Journey’s birthday! Actually, the blog makes 1 month this day. I’m so happy! Thank you all for commenting our stories, and thanks Fred for warning me! Eh, eh… So, don’t forget: in the 27th November 2006, come and say a Happy Birthday. But it isn’t only the blog that should be congratulated today, the people that work hardly to make the blog full of posts, the “commenters”that are always expressing their precious opinion or the ones that are always searching new things for the blog should also deserve a big THANK YOU for their precious support. And guess what? We actually ARE improving in writing in English! Happy Monthday blogy!
A really good Monthday for you blog! You have been a precious help and way of spending time! lol
Tuesday, 27 December, 2005
PARABENS blogy******
claru k o meritu é da noxa ANA =p..eheh
Tuesday, 27 December, 2005
Parabéns blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eu penso que foi uma ideia original e as histórias estão muito interessantes.
Tuesday, 27 December, 2005
hello! this is my first time here, but even so I have to give you my congratulations. not only for the month, but above all for the histories here presented. one month is very big, and it seems that along the last, you have been coming to uncoil very interesting histories here! I read them, and I affirm quickly that they are really interesting and, although they are not my history" type, found them very good. finally, many congratulations for all the ones that made the blog, and to all that so arduously worked and will continue to work without a doubt, in him. good continuation. ***
Tuesday, 27 December, 2005
Parabens Blog!:)
Estou muito orgulhosa!1 mês!Aguentámos pelo menos 1 mês!YESSSSSS!!!:D Daqui a nad temos aniversario!( de ano, mesmo ANO!) LOL Vamos chegar mais longe yupiiiiiiiii!:)
Mts Bjx e Sinceros agradecimentos para todos aqueles que tornaram td isto possivel!
PS:EU sei k est post ta 1 pouko "trist" no sentido d MAU,péssimo mas n estou com mt imaginaxao =PpP LOL
*Don't bother translate.It's not a brilliant comment, so you aren't missing a thing really!I was just saying: HAPPY BLOG-BIRTHDAY! :P
Tuesday, 27 December, 2005
bem..de ingles ja chega :P
acho que esta ideia de blog ta mt fixe... e quero acima de td deixar um beijo pra ana ... txauiii e continuem c/ isto!
Tuesday, 27 December, 2005
A month already passed and I still think that only a passed a week. We've already started 5 stories but more will come and will be much better.
I want to thank for all that read the stories but specially for those who have the courage to comment!
Tuesday, 27 December, 2005
arooo pussetes from the 6 corners of the world [4 plus 2(the nipples of claudia schiffer)]. i've been a very bad girl. it's been a long time since my last visit to this fantastic blog, but today, i'm here to congratulate this blog and all these people who are working hard to make it so perfect and to make us enjoy something that it's not just great. it's 5*. completely and 100% perfect. and you know why it is so perfect? because it is made by people who realy care about what they're doing. i feel glad to be friend of some of these writers and to have this fantastic oportunity to meet pipinha as well as i (think) i do. Once again: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! i realy hope to keep acompainig the progress of this blog and of all the stories included in it. kisses for everybody.
ps: é natal, é natal, ninguém leva a mal... não faz mal, não faz mal, limpas-te ao jornal...
Tuesday, 27 December, 2005
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