© 2005 Fifteen Journey. All rights reserved.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Great to be back!

Everyone has been complaining, saying that I had abandoned the blog, but it just isn't true: there's school and grades, you know?That's pretty IMPORTANT to me, at least!

And high school has been kinda tough on me, 'kay? So chill y'all x)

Here it is:

A short story I made when I was inspired, just today while listening to:
"Lie about us" by Avant feat Nicole


She stood there. Alone.Every five minutes, she would check her pink ‘Hello Kitty’ watch and search for the single soul, she anxiously expected. So far, he hadn’t called nor sent her a message. She stared blankly at the entrance, hopping anytime soon he’d to meet her outside.
She left out a cold sigh and bit her lower lip: he wasn’t coming. It had been too long: it was time to go, to leave for good. She stroked her hair, fixed her gloves and picked up her silver backpack.

She’d started walking along the sidewalk. Step after step, she thought about what had just happened : she had been waiting for 20 minutes, under a bus stop just outside school and still, after they arranged to meet there the day before, he hadn’t come. It was snowing: she was cold, wet and lonely. He hadn’t come.
Was it all worth it?

A smile made it all better. He was just around the corner: he came ‘running like crazy’, his hair was messy, his fingers were cold and his jeans were wet on the bottom. He cleared his hair from his forehead and apologised once more, with an honest smile. No one can smile quite like him. She looked at him, with a tear still rolling down her check, smiled and said:

I thought you weren’t coming…

She felt ‘silly’. He always came. Fear overcame her: she didn’t want to leave, to be alone. She wanted him to be with her; always. It wasn’t about 20 minutes or 3 hours: it didn’t matter as long as he came in the end, to meet her. She thought about lecturing him, but she felt too 'dam' happy wrapped around his arms.

He came.
It was worth it.


Blogger R said...

weren't you supposed do be writing The Norvia Chronicles :S ?
Nevermind, at least yoiu showed you're still alive. There's just one person now who didn't :D

Sunday, 26 November, 2006

Blogger MF said...

Don't hate awards, but make efforts to be nominated. The awards will be tomorrow, since it is a special occasion.

Your story is good as always but I don't see any improvement. Write more! :D

Sunday, 26 November, 2006


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